National Independent Fire Alarm Distributors 

Days to go before NIFAD's Conference of the Year.
Your Board of Directors is working hard to make this the biggest and best conference yet!


1) ESD (Engineered System Distributor) Attendee - Full Conference Registration – $625.00
  • Includes one full conference pass, Breakfast & Lunch Sunday & Monday, plus one entry to special welcome dinner Sunday evening.
  • You can bring a spouse/partner to the Sunday night dinner at a cost of $250. per guest.
Not a Member but want to attend?  Become a member and save $$.  
Contact for pricing and membership discussion.

2) Round Table - Suppliers - Monday Only – $1,800.00 (table & one supplier).
(Bring an Associate with you @ $450. per person).

Participate in 15 Minute Supplier Round Table discussions on Monday with ESD's. We'll rotate tables every 15 minutes to reach all conference attendees in a 3 hour span.  Lunch is provided.

Here's what you receive with your Round Table Registration:

  • Monday Conference Registration for one person, Saturday and Sunday Night Networking Receptions, Breakfast and Lunch on Monday.
  • Free Marketing Benefits include:
  • Recognition on the Home page and Event section of NIFAD’s website from time of sponsorship, until we start registration for next year's conference.
  • Recognition at the conference with your logo on the welcome screen. Recognition on any e-mail and printed conference materials including a "Thanks" banner at the conference, Conference Attendee List
  • Ability to provide 3 pdf files to be posted on our our website and linked to your website. Ability to record a 15 minute product/service presentation, (called NIFAD e-Break Webinars) that will be promoted to our ESD Members, shown in a webinar after the conference, and archived on our website for at least one-year. Your expertise could be exposed to our ESD Members all year long! NIFAD will do the video, promotions, and moderate the webinar ... you do the presentation! It's simple.

Note: This opportunity is open to Suppliers that are members, or want to become Supplier Members of NIFAD.  If you are a first time Round Table participant, the balance of this year's membership dues will be automatically covered in your Round Table payment.

Associate @ Supplier Round Table: You can have an additional employee at Monday's Round Table for a cost of $450. each.  This choice will provide them with an add-on Supplier registration for Monday, plus your associate can attend the weekend networking reception & Sunday Night dinner with you.

Additional Sunday Night Dinner Guest: You can bring a spouse/partner to the Sunday night dinner at a cost of $250. per guest.

Conference Sponsors -  See Available Choices Below.

Sponsorship of conference meals are open to Supplier Members.  Your Support is very much appreciated.  It helps NIFAD to grow and add more member programs.

    • Sponsor -  PM Break – $2,000. 
    • Sponsor -  Breakfast – $3,000. 
    • Sunday Sponsor -  Lunch & Presentation – (Sponsored)
    • Monday Sponsor -  Lunch & Presentation – $5,000  
    • Sponsor - Saturday Night Informal Networking Reception (Sponsored)
    • Sponsor - Sunday Night Dinner (Sponsored)
    ... and a special thanks to these Sponsors!!!
    • Saturday Night Informal Networking Reception, Sponsored by Honeywell
    • Sunday Lunch and Sunday Night Dinner, Sponsored by Potter.

    Here's what you receive as a sponsor: 

    • Sponsor recognition on NIFAD’s website .. (Home Page and Event Section)
    • Conference Attendee List.
    • Sponsor recognition at the conference with logo on the welcome screen.
    • Sponsor recognition on any email or printed conference materials including the "Thank You" banner at the conference.
    • LUNCH SPONSOR ONLY:  You will have the ability to demonstrate your product/service for 30 minutes during your sponsored meal. 

      As a Speaker, your conference pass is included. You are invited to attend the Saturday and Sunday Night Networking Receptions as well.  NIFAD will register you.

      Conference Sponsors

      Sunday Lunch + Dinner

      Saturday Night Welcome Reception
      Conference Sponsorships
      Still Available:
      Monday Lunch (Pending)
      Sunday and/or Monday Breakfast
      Sunday and/or Monday Breaks

      Monday Round Table Positions Available for Suppliers ..
      15 Minute Supplier Round Table discussions with ESD's. We'll rotate tables every 15 minutes giving you a chance to reach all conference attendees. 

      Advanced Fire - Harding InstrumentS

      Conference Donations:

      - Fisher Systems
      - MidWest Alarms

      National Independent Fire Alarm Distributors Association
      125 Church Street, Suite 90-382 | Pembroke, Massachusetts 02359
      Voice:  781-319-8001 | EMail:

      Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software