National Independent Fire Alarm Distributors 

Days to go before NIFAD's Conference of the Year.
Your Board of Directors is working hard to make this the biggest and best conference yet!

June 15 & 16
(with a soft start evening welcome reception is June 14.)
The weekend before the NFPA Conference & Expo

Join us in VEGAS!
It promises to be an active, educational and fun week!

Use the navigation bar above to learn more about our conference,
or call us: 781.319.8001

  • NIFAD Conference Sunday & Monday before NFPA! Easy - one trip/two conferences. Conference ends at 3PM Monday, and NFPA's Expo begins!
  • NFPA Monday - Wednesday ... Visit our Booth #1517 at the NFPA Expo too!
  • Book your hotel through NIFAD ...  NIFAD Directors negotiated a special room rate at the Park MGM.  BONUS ... If you book your room through NIFAD on this website, your name will be entered into a drawing to win a full conference pass to the NFPA Educational Sessions (pass is an $1100. value approx.)

Conference Sponsors

Sunday Lunch + Dinner

Saturday Night Welcome Reception
Conference Sponsorships
Still Available:
Monday Lunch (Pending)
Sunday and/or Monday Breakfast
Sunday and/or Monday Breaks

Monday Round Table Positions Available for Suppliers ..
15 Minute Supplier Round Table discussions with ESD's. We'll rotate tables every 15 minutes giving you a chance to reach all conference attendees. 

Advanced Fire - Harding InstrumentS

Conference Donations:

- Fisher Systems
- MidWest Alarms

National Independent Fire Alarm Distributors Association
125 Church Street, Suite 90-382 | Pembroke, Massachusetts 02359
Voice:  781-319-8001 | EMail:

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