Larry D. Rietz, SET, CFPS, Vice President,
Service Line Leader for Fire Detection and Alarm, Jensen Hughes
Giant Voice Applications & Design

The increase in Emergency Communications and Mass Notification Systems has increased the need for intelligible voice and audio communication, both indoor and outdoor. This presentation will focus on the guiding principles of mass notification design. This includes the design reliability, code and standards re-quirements, identifying the AHJ, and differences between high-power and medium power loudspeaker arrays. It will help the attendees walk through the design criteria, using acoustic models, and determining overall loudspeaker layout. It will help look at different solutions that can provide cost savings based on various design solutions. This presentation will hopefully help you think outside the box and look for the best solutions based on your situation.
Presenter: Larry D. Rietz is Vice President and Service Line Leader for Fire Detection and Alarm for Jen-sen Hughes and works as a designer, instructor, author, and industry advocate. He is a NICET Level IV Cer-tified Fire Alarm designer and Certified Fire Protection Specialist (CFPS) with over 28 years of life safety industry experience. After working for almost 14 years with a large Fire Alarm manufacturer and service provider, he has spent the last 11 years with Jensen Hughes, 7 of those years as Director of the Denver office. Over those years, he directed the talented team of engineers and helped grow the Denver busi-ness over 300% in just four years. At the same time, he has designed and analyzed multiple large fire alarm and emergency communication systems for transportation, entertainment, and higher education campuses and was the Project Manager for the Denver International Airport Public Safety Notification Upgrade and On-Call Life Safety Systems projects. Larry currently serves on the Automatic Fire Alarm As-sociation (AFAA) Board of Directors as Secretary, on the Technical Committee (Principal) for NFPA 1616 Standard on Mass Evacuation, Sheltering and Re-entry, on the Technical Committee (Principal) for NFPA 72 Chapter 24 (SIG-ECS), on the Technical Committee (Alternate) for NFPA 72 Chapters 12, 21, & 23 (SIG-PRO), on the Technical Committee (Alternate) for NFPA 101/5000 Education and Day-Care Occupan-cies (SAF-END), and on the Technical Committee (Principal) for NPFA 909, Code for the Protection of Cul-tural Resource Properties and NFPA 914, Code for the Protection of Historic Structures (CUL-AAA). He also serves on three different UL Standards Technical Panel (UL 864, 464/1480, and 2525). He is a fre-quent presenter at a large variety of industry events, is a Contract Instructor with AFAA, and is a guest lecturer at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) and the University of Maryland (UMD) fire protection programs. NIFAD